Amiko Alien SHD 8900 HD – Setup CCcam on Spark

Here we shall install the Emu’s including CCcam to Spark.

First thing to do is delete all your installed Emu plugins.
Click Menu -> Plugin and click the Green button to delete each one.
On new firmware you will also need to enter the Password: 0 0 0 0

Now you will need to the emu_plugin file [ ]
Once you have downloaded and unzipped the
Place the folder ‘plugin’ onto a USB stick [Formatted in FAT32] and insert the USB stick into the USB port on the rear of the receiver.

You will then see a popup window, click Yes to install

Now open DCC, [Cick Here]
When setting up the Configuration use the following logon data:

Username: root
Password: root

Once a connection has been established, click FTP
Now click var -> /root/plugin/var

Now click on Keys

Now select on your CCcam.cfg file and click on the transfer button

When asked to overwrite click Yes

You can check the CCcam.cfg file is correct, by clicking on it and then click View
If you need to edit the file you can do so by clicking the Edit option.

Once your happy the CCcam.cfg file is okay, you can close DCC.

Now click Menu -> Plugin

Select CCcam214 and click the Enter button, this will start the emu.
You will see it has been started as the Red Off icon will change to Green.

Now you have started the CCcam Emu, you can exit.

Now let us check all is working correctly,
Select an encrypted channel you know your cline will open,
for this example we shall select Calle 13

Once selected click Enter to view the channel.
If you followed the above correctly, you should now get access to the channel.