Amiko 8140 SHD is not a linux box here is a tutorial
1.create the hsdata.cfg
2.Send this file to your USB.
3.Insert USB into your rec.
4.Press Menu>Go to internet >net cofiguration.
5.Press c/hsdata.cfg.
6.Is apearing a info which ask you if you agree to read this data form from USB.
7.Press ok.
8.Reboot your AMIKO……..
hsdata,cfg is the same a CCcam.cfg therefore you would put your line in to it but not a simple copy n’ paste like CCcam.cfg
the format of the hada ta.cfg is:
cccamd~name server~port~user name~pasword
And the hsdata file simply doesn’t go to the root of the usb stick but you must create a C directory, simple enough to do right cllick and create a folder called C. You put the hsdata.cfg in this folder, the amiko will look for this path when searching for it C:hsdata.cfg